Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tom Torlakson: My Vote

As I was analyzing Tom Torlakson he sort of caught my eye. He had his major issues of health, careers, safety, reform, and teaching which are ideal but he really only had experience in health and teaching. And his teaching was about health. If there was a position for health and wellness (*nurse) he should apply for that. He has a lot of endorsements but thats because he is quite popular, working in several counties and being a California state senator. But what swayed me away from voting for him was his endorsements and a specific category of his endorsements, the School Superintendents. There are 58 counties in the state of California and he is only endorsed by 13 of those counties. That number shocked me and is keeping my vote away from him.
He is also supported by the teachers unions and he is known to meet their demands. I would vote for Larry Aceves because he has the same ideal issues in mind but he backs it up with years of experience and efforts trying to fix them. He is a former teacher, principal and superintendent.

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